The Park’s Rich Ecosystem: Unique plant life and wildlife
Plant life:
The woods of Campo dei Fiori are a fascinating mosaic of biodiversity, with distinctive features in different areas of the massif. At the top, the beech dominates the landscape, especially on the north side, next to large coniferous plantations that contribute to an evocative atmosphere.
Below 600 metres, the beech gives way to the chestnut tree, flanked by ash, lime and maple trees in damp valleys. The north-western part is still home to well-preserved chestnut forests, evidence of the ancient peasant civilization.
An ongoing project aims at the recovery of these abandoned forests, once fundamental for the local community. The rocky environment and the arid meadows on limestone substrate are of considerable interest, with unique species of wildlife and plant life.

The woods of the Park are home to a variety of birds of prey, both nesting and migrating. Among them, we find the black kite, the buzzard, the hawk, the hawk, the goshawk and the peregrine falcon. A project funded by the EEC is dedicated to the conservation of bats in the area.
The presence of deer and roe deer is linked to the expansion of these deer in the mountain territory. Among the invertebrates, the presence of the endemic beetle Duvalius Ghidinii stands out.
Lean meadows
The Park Authority is recovering the “lean meadows”, ancient prairies on calcareous soil. These meadows were fundamental for breeding and pastoralism, maintaining a balance with the forest mantle. The reduction in these areas is due to the abandonment of agricultural activities.
The restoration of these meadows is a project that contributes to the preservation of unique species of fauna and flora, such as butterflies, dragonflies, locusts and orchids.
The limestone massif of Campo dei Fiori hides a complex underground karst system with over 130 known caves. These caves, including Tre Crocette, del Frassino, Bus del Remeron and Bus della Scondurava, are of considerable scientific and speleological interest.
Access to the caves is forbidden to the public for safety and conservation reasons. However, the Park collaborates with speleological associations to study and preserve this rich underground heritage.
Natural Monuments in Rome:
The Park presents some important Natural Monuments, including the Fonte del Ceppo, the source on the SP 45 in Cuvio, the giants of the Vellone stream, the erratic boulder of Brinzio, the gorges of Valganna and the waterfall of Pesegh in Brinzio. Each of these monuments offers a unique vision of the geology and biodiversity of the territory of the Campo dei Fiori.

The park is easily accessible by car, with ample parking available at the main entrance. If you prefer public transport, several bus lines connect the park with Varese and the surrounding areas.